08 October 2009

History of the DC Universe

History of the DC Universe provides a nuts and bolts rundown of the DCU, from creation to the age of heroes. The brainchild of Marv Wolfmann and George Perez, this piece, which actually followed Crisis On Infinite Earths is narrated by Harbinger, a central figure in Crisis.

Beginning with the oldest race in existence, the Oans, the first book traces the development of their species through the Gods of Earth's myhtology and ultimately the New Gods of DC's own invention. This book spins a fascinating tale of what is really less the history and more the underlying mythology behind the DCU.

Marv Wolfman and George Perez are perhaps the most prolific duo in DC History. Their most famous work, Crisis on Infinite Earths was the first of DC's many crises and truly raised the bar for comic book continuity. This book was no different. Wolfman's almost prophetic writing is complemented elegantly by Perez's traditional pencils, masterfully illustrating what is in many ways the holy scripture of the DC Universe.

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