08 February 2009

ComiCon 2009

My initial intention at ComiCon was to attend a series of screenings and panels that I had carefully mapped out, but upon arrival I quickly discovered the lines to be hundreds of people long, so I chose to explore the vendors' booths instead.

Not attending the panels allowed me to wander through the throng of vendors, tempting myself with great deals on amazing comics and admiring those in costume along the way.

In my wanderings I sought one item in particular, "Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn II", the second installment in Keith Giffen's retelling of Hal Jordan's origin story. The first booth I visited had all the original issues in mint condition, for around $2.00 a piece. In addition to Busiek and Ross's "Marvels" (original printing only $10!) I acquired 9/12 Full Color "Akira" Trade Paperbacks for only $10 each!

Other activities of note: Taking pictures with costumed heroes, winning a t-shirt in a trivia contest and sitting in a state of the art "video game chair".

1 comment:

  1. Joe,

    Thanks for sharing your experiences concerning ComicCon.

    I was particularly appreciative that you highlighted Keith Giffen's retelling of Hal Jordan's origin story. I wasn't familiar with it, or rather, hadn't read the comics. So, I learned from you and spent time researching!

    I will try to remember to bring in UNCLE SAM for you next time. I am a big BUSIEK fan -- especially, ASTRO CITY.

    What was the "video game chair" like?

