25 January 2009

Understanding Comics

Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics provided a rudimentary overview of comic book analysis. Perhaps the most interesting discussion, or at least the portion of the book I found to be most useful, was the triangular chart with the Picture Plane, Reality, and Language at the three vertices. This diagram, although somewhat limited, provides a useful tool for analyzing the choices made by the creators of a particular comic, allowing a reader to quickly assess where the emphasis is being placed.

McCloud's discussion of Panels failed to discuss what is often one of the most visually stimulating parts of any comic book or graphic novel: panel-less images. Often occupying single or double page spreads, these powerful images can achieve all of the goals of the paneled image, but often do so in a more aesthetically pleasing manner. It would have been interesting to hear McCloud's analysis, as these panels often focus on temporality - something McCloud was stressing through his study of panels.

Finally, I think the differences between Japanese Manga and American Comic Books deserved greater attention. Although McCloud focsuses on Manga several times throughout the book, primarily in his discussion of motion, there is a cinematic quality to most Manga that I find to be completely lacking in most American work. I would have liked to see McCloud discusss this phenomenon at greater length.

1 comment:

  1. Joe,

    Remember McCloud wrote this in the early 1990s. Until McCloud's book, the only other really good "how to" was Eisner's. Also, Manga was not as big in the United States as it is now. Thus, I believe McCloud was trying to orient a "beginner's audience". His next books are more expansive.

    I agree. A whole book could be written on the differences between Japanese Manga and American Comic Books.

    It seems that the Japanese employ panel-less images more than American comics. I would enjoy reading references to the panel-less image comics that come across.

    Oh, are you familiar with the ANIME film, SWORD OF THE STRANGER? There is a screening of this film on Thursday, February 5th at 7:30 at the Union Square theater.

    I appreciated your analysis. Your comments really got me to thinking. But, again, if you have specific comics, this would be helpful, as I could go to my archive or buy them to add to my comics visual education.


